Free Little Pantry

There was a need and our Roscoe Gardening Club (RGC) members rose to the challenge.

August is such a bountiful month for us vegetable gardeners: tomatoes, peppers, melons, eggplants, corn on the cob are just a few of the vegetables that are rewarding us with ripened deliciousness that cannot be found in any grocery store. And through RGC member’s generosity, we have been able to fill a free pantry, located in Rockford, three times with pounds of fresh vegetables and loads of shelf stable items. There is such a tremendous need at this location, 4848 Turner St. in Rockford, please feel free to bring fresh vegetables or shelf staple goods for donation whenever it is convenient. The beauty of this free little pantry is it is available 24/7 to accept donations or to receive food.


The Community Commitment Series


Roscoe Gardening Club Scholarship Program